I’ve stumbled on something.. interesting.

To get the prediction for a Tweedie GLM, we take the link value then do exp(link), but to get prediction from an xgboost tweedie , we take the “link” value then do exp(link)/ 2 , dividing the result by 2.

Is this normal? Below is a quick demo showing how I get the predictions for a 3-trees xgboost and a glm.

the code has been modified from the tweedie regression demo in the xgboost repository: https://github.com/dmlc/xgboost/blob/master/R-package/demo/tweedie_regression.R

First, fit xgboost model and look at the trees :

library(cplm) # for insurance data
library(statmod) # for tweedie glm

# auto insurance dataset analyzed by Yip and Yau (2005)
dt <- data.table(AutoClaim)

# exclude these columns from the model matrix
exclude <-  c('POLICYNO', 'PLCYDATE', 'CLM_FREQ5', 'CLM_AMT5', 'CLM_FLAG', 'IN_YY')

# retains the missing values
# NOTE: this dataset is comes ready out of the box
options(na.action = 'na.pass')
x <- sparse.model.matrix(~ . - 1, data = dt[, -exclude, with = F])
options(na.action = 'na.omit')

# response
y <- dt[, CLM_AMT5]

d_train <- xgb.DMatrix(data = x, label = y, missing = NA)

# the tweedie_variance_power parameter determines the shape of
# distribution
# - closer to 1 is more poisson like and the mass
#   is more concentrated near zero
# - closer to 2 is more gamma like and the mass spreads to the
#   the right with less concentration near zero

params <- list(
  objective = 'reg:tweedie',
  eval_metric = 'rmse',
  tweedie_variance_power = 1.4,
  max_depth = 2,
  eta = 1)
bst <- xgb.train(
  data = d_train,
  params = params,
  maximize = FALSE,
  watchlist = list(train = d_train),
  nrounds = 3)
## [1]  train-rmse:9615.735352 
## [2]  train-rmse:9587.709961 
## [3]  train-rmse:9304.410156
var_imp <- xgb.importance(attr(x, 'Dimnames')[[2]], model = bst)

preds <- predict(bst, d_train)

rmse <- sqrt(sum(mean((y - preds)^2)))

xgb.plot.tree(model = bst)

Manually extract the values for the first record :

##              CLM_AMT             KIDSDRIV             TRAVTIME 
##                    0                    0                   14 
##       CAR_USEPrivate    CAR_USECommercial             BLUEBOOK 
##                    1                    0                14230 
##             RETAINED              NPOLICY       CAR_TYPEPickup 
##                   11                    1                    0 
##        CAR_TYPESedan   CAR_TYPESports Car          CAR_TYPESUV 
##                    1                    0                    0 
##          CAR_TYPEVan           RED_CARyes          REVOLKEDYes 
##                    0                    1                    0 
##              MVR_PTS                  AGE             HOMEKIDS 
##                    3                   60                    0 
##                  YOJ               INCOME              GENDERM 
##                   11                67349                    1 
##           MARRIEDYes           PARENT1Yes  JOBCLASSBlue Collar 
##                    0                    0                    0 
##     JOBCLASSClerical       JOBCLASSDoctor   JOBCLASSHome Maker 
##                    0                    0                    0 
##       JOBCLASSLawyer      JOBCLASSManager JOBCLASSProfessional 
##                    0                    0                    1 
##      JOBCLASSStudent    MAX_EDUCBachelors  MAX_EDUCHigh School 
##                    0                    0                    0 
##      MAX_EDUCMasters          MAX_EDUCPhD             HOME_VAL 
##                    0                    1                    0 
##             SAMEHOME            AREAUrban 
##                   18                    1

travtime < 102, bluebook <61645 –>tree #1 value= 2.49922585 revolkedyes < -9.53674316e-07, npolicy < 5.5 –> tree #2 value= 2.48586464 REVOLKEDYes < -9.53674316e-07, areaurban > -9.53674316e-07 –> tree #3 value = 2.36028123

link_gbm <-  2.49922585 +2.48586464+  2.36028123
## [1] 7.345372

Take exp(link_gbm), divide by 2 (question: why??)

exp(link_gbm ) / 2
## [1] 774.5053

Compare with prediction from xgboost .

 predict(bst, d_train)[1]
## [1] 774.5053

Let’s do the same with a GLM:

dt2 <-  dt[, -exclude, with = F]
dt2$CLM_AMT5 <-  dt$CLM_AMT5

tweedie_fit <-
  glm(CLM_AMT5 ~ .,
      family=tweedie(var.power=1.4, link.power=0),
      data = dt2)
## Call:
## glm(formula = CLM_AMT5 ~ ., family = tweedie(var.power = 1.4, 
##     link.power = 0), data = dt2)
## Deviance Residuals: 
##     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
## -43.158  -18.230  -14.117    1.527  111.972  
## Coefficients:
##                        Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)           6.522e+00  3.008e-01  21.679   <2e-16 ***
## CLM_AMT              -3.075e-07  5.128e-06  -0.060   0.9522    
## KIDSDRIV              7.061e-02  5.238e-02   1.348   0.1777    
## TRAVTIME              5.026e-04  1.568e-03   0.321   0.7486    
## CAR_USECommercial     1.112e-01  7.894e-02   1.408   0.1591    
## BLUEBOOK             -4.049e-06  4.162e-06  -0.973   0.3307    
## RETAINED              3.038e-03  5.925e-03   0.513   0.6082    
## NPOLICY               7.364e-03  2.700e-02   0.273   0.7851    
## CAR_TYPEPickup       -1.299e-01  1.309e-01  -0.992   0.3212    
## CAR_TYPESedan        -7.295e-02  1.339e-01  -0.545   0.5859    
## CAR_TYPESports Car    2.341e-01  1.721e-01   1.360   0.1739    
## CAR_TYPESUV           4.914e-02  1.635e-01   0.301   0.7638    
## CAR_TYPEVan           8.443e-02  1.256e-01   0.672   0.5014    
## RED_CARyes            2.374e-02  7.178e-02   0.331   0.7409    
## REVOLKEDYes           1.561e+00  5.421e-02  28.787   <2e-16 ***
## MVR_PTS               1.854e-01  9.657e-03  19.196   <2e-16 ***
## AGE                   1.263e-04  3.282e-03   0.038   0.9693    
## HOMEKIDS             -2.321e-02  3.133e-02  -0.741   0.4588    
## YOJ                   1.290e-02  7.084e-03   1.821   0.0686 .  
## INCOME               -1.089e-06  9.030e-07  -1.206   0.2280    
## GENDERM               1.796e-02  9.009e-02   0.199   0.8420    
## MARRIEDYes           -1.164e-01  7.132e-02  -1.631   0.1028    
## PARENT1Yes            3.731e-05  9.260e-02   0.000   0.9997    
## JOBCLASSBlue Collar  -1.361e-01  1.513e-01  -0.900   0.3684    
## JOBCLASSClerical     -3.559e-02  1.595e-01  -0.223   0.8235    
## JOBCLASSDoctor       -3.375e-01  2.006e-01  -1.682   0.0925 .  
## JOBCLASSHome Maker    8.188e-02  1.720e-01   0.476   0.6340    
## JOBCLASSLawyer       -3.171e-01  1.397e-01  -2.270   0.0232 *  
## JOBCLASSManager      -1.430e-01  1.351e-01  -1.058   0.2900    
## JOBCLASSProfessional -8.701e-02  1.444e-01  -0.602   0.5469    
## JOBCLASSStudent      -4.856e-02  1.763e-01  -0.275   0.7830    
## MAX_EDUCBachelors     3.367e-03  9.966e-02   0.034   0.9731    
## MAX_EDUCHigh School   4.401e-02  8.243e-02   0.534   0.5935    
## MAX_EDUCMasters       8.209e-02  1.478e-01   0.555   0.5786    
## MAX_EDUCPhD           1.384e-01  1.742e-01   0.794   0.4270    
## HOME_VAL             -2.904e-07  2.872e-07  -1.011   0.3119    
## SAMEHOME              9.668e-04  6.209e-03   0.156   0.8763    
## AREAUrban             1.118e+00  8.589e-02  13.014   <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for Tweedie family taken to be 622.1081)
##     Null deviance: 3887100  on 8162  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 2857179  on 8125  degrees of freedom
##   (2133 observations deleted due to missingness)
## AIC: NA
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 9

Manually get the link value for the first record

## 1:       0        0       14 Private    14230       11       1    Sedan     yes
## 1:       No       3  60        0  11  67349      M      No      No Professional
## 1:      PhD        0       18 Urban     4461

link =

link_glm <- tweedie_fit$coefficients["(Intercept)"] +
  14 * tweedie_fit$coefficients["TRAVTIME"] +
  14230 * tweedie_fit$coefficients["BLUEBOOK"] +
  11 * tweedie_fit$coefficients["RETAINED"]  +
  1 * tweedie_fit$coefficients["NPOLICY"] +
  1 * tweedie_fit$coefficients["CAR_TYPESedan"] +
  1 * tweedie_fit$coefficients["RED_CARyes"] +
  3 * tweedie_fit$coefficients["MVR_PTS"] +
  60 * tweedie_fit$coefficients["AGE"] +
  11 * tweedie_fit$coefficients["YOJ"] +
  67349 * tweedie_fit$coefficients["INCOME"] +
  1 * tweedie_fit$coefficients["GENDERM"] +
  1 * tweedie_fit$coefficients["JOBCLASSProfessional"] +
  1 * tweedie_fit$coefficients["MAX_EDUCPhD"] +
  18 * tweedie_fit$coefficients["SAMEHOME"] +
  1 * tweedie_fit$coefficients["AREAUrban"]

## (Intercept) 
##    8.299899

prediction is exp(link_glm)

## (Intercept) 
##    4023.466

compare with link and prediction from glm … yes, it’s identical

predict(tweedie_fit, type="link")[1]
##        1 
## 8.299899
predict(tweedie_fit, type="response")[1]
##        1 
## 4023.466