Où sont les maisons abordables?



Date de publication

26 juin 2021

Mots clés


Here I combine two data sources to find the cities with the most affordable houses.
We use the median house price fro m2018 as provided by “JLR solutions immobilières” and the median total household income for families with 2 adults for 2018 provided by Statistics Canada.

## # A tibble: 168 x 7
##    geo                geo_uid  value RMRNOM     RMRPIDU PRIDU PRNOM             
##    <chr>              <chr>    <dbl> <chr>      <chr>   <chr> <chr>             
##  1 St. John's, Newfo… 001     113050 St. John's 10001   10    Newfoundland and …
##  2 Bay Roberts, Newf… 005      85010 Bay Rober… 10005   10    Newfoundland and …
##  3 Grand Falls-Winds… 010      82630 Grand Fal… 10010   10    Newfoundland and …
##  4 Gander, Newfoundl… 011      98590 Gander     10011   10    Newfoundland and …
##  5 Corner Brook, New… 015      89760 Corner Br… 10015   10    Newfoundland and …
##  6 Non CMA-CA, Newfo… 10000    77540 <NA>       <NA>    <NA>  <NA>              
##  7 Charlottetown, Pr… 105      91430 Charlotte… 11105   11    Prince Edward Isl…
##  8 Summerside, Princ… 110      80560 Summerside 11110   11    Prince Edward Isl…
##  9 Non CMA-CA, Princ… 11100    83910 <NA>       <NA>    <NA>  <NA>              
## 10 Halifax, Nova Sco… 205     101550 Halifax    12205   12    Nova Scotia / Nou…
## # … with 158 more rows



  author = {, Simon},
  title = {Où sont les maisons abordables?},
  date = {2021-06-26},
  url = {https://www.simoncoulombe.com/oldposts/2021-06-26-prix-maison/index.en-us.html},
  langid = {fr}
Veuillez citer ce travail comme suit :
Simon. 2021. “Où sont les maisons abordables?” June 26, 2021. https://www.simoncoulombe.com/oldposts/2021-06-26-prix-maison/index.en-us.html.